How to set up requestly on Firefox using WebExtensionAPI

Webextensions API Firefox


The Requestly development team utilizes WebExtension APIs to construct a cross-platform browser extension. This guide is specifically designed to assist the Requestly development team in running the source code of Requestly on Firefox using Webextensions API Firefox, ensuring a seamless development experience.


Install web-ext npm module

					 npm install -g web-ext

Navigate to browser-extension source code and switch the mode to firefox

					 cd browser-extension  
					grunt select-firefox

Open a new terminal to run firefox with extension installed

					cd dist
web-ext run
Use web-ext –help // to get the list of available commands

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Picture of Sagar Soni

Sagar Soni

Sagar is the co-founder and CTO of Requestly. When he's not busy architecting the next big thing in software development, you'll likely find him behind the wheel, cruising the streets and enjoying the thrill of the drive. For Sagar, it's all about the code by day and the open road by night.

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