Intercept, Modify & Mock

GraphQL Requests

4.4 ⭐ 1.1K+ Ratings, 200,000+ users

Your Development Companion

Requestly provides complete control over GraphQL API requests to easily Intercept, Modify, and Mock them.

Modify Request Body

Like the response, you can change the request body before hitting the server.

  • Modify Queries in a Request
  • Modify Mutations
  • Modify Subscription Queries
  • Dynamically generate the request body.
Modify Request

Capture & Share GraphQL Sessions for Debugging

Record GraphQL Sessions with screen, cursor movement, console logs, network logs & environment details with 1 click and share with developers for 10x faster debugging.

Modify HTTP Headers Beta

Use Modify Headers Rule to add/remove/change a GraphQL request/response header before it reaches its target.

Modify Request Header

Stop Managing multiple Dev Environments

Managing different environments with multiple services requires a huge amount of effort. With Requestly you can:

  • Use local APIs on the production FE.

  • Use production APIs on the local FE.

  • Test staging APIs with the prod FE.

  • And many more cases.

Mock GraphQL APIs Beta

When APIs are in development, Mocking APIs is the only option. Requestly enables you to:

  • Mock GraphQL APIs based on OperationName.

  • Use selected Mock APIs along with your working APIs.

  • Generate realistic data using predefined functions.

  • Mock mutations & subscriptions.

Mock GraphQL APIs with Requestly Mock Server

Simulate Delay in
GraphQL APIs Beta

When developing, the API usually returns responses within a few milliseconds. In real scenarios, multiple factors delay the requests.

  • Simulate a delay in API Responses.
  • Create a better user experience.
Features labeled as beta have GraphQL Support in the beta version only.

Trusted by 200k+ developers at

Popular Use Cases

Take inspiration from our popular use cases to integrate
Requestly into your workflows.

Requestly Highlights

A comprehensive debugging suite with thoughtfully designed features for front-end developers.

For the developers, by the developers ❤️

From Debug to Deploy: Developers Trust Requestly