Simplify your
Android Development

Requestly can intercept, decrypt, modify, redirect, and mock HTTP(s) traffic from your Android apps running on an emulator or a physical device for faster development.

Requestly is user-friendly, brilliant, and easy to use. I use it on a daily basis and it makes my work easier. After using other tools like Charles – Requestly is a nice new breath of air that I highly vouch for. Apart from the tool being amazing – the support from the Requestly team is phenomenal with them always going above and beyond for their clients.

By Marius Ludick,
Solutions Architect II at Amazon

How Requestly Simplifies Your Android Development

Android Developers use Requestly during local development, testing, and debugging to solve various problems.
Here are the most common problems you can solve with Requestly.

Intercept HTTPS Traffic

During the development of Android apps, watching your app’s traffic can give you better control and confidence. You can ensure data integrity, no redundant API calls, and no obvious errors in API calls before releases.

Edit the APIs in transit

Modify requests by defining simple rules to simulate different scenarios in your app like large data sets, alternative responses, empty responses, alternative request bodies, etc.


Simulate API Errors locally

Applications are developed considering different error scenarios in mind, simulating those errors on local or staging is not straightforward. Requestly can save hours of fiddling with the backend by modifying your API calls to simulate error responses.


Simulate slow network

Network conditions can be unpredictable on users’ devices, as developers we need to ensure that the app works in degraded networks and handles the network state gracefully. The delay rule enables you to simulate network delays or slow processes.


    Cross environment connection

    Sometimes production apps show strange bugs that are hard to debug with production APIs due to a lack of debugging info. Requestly can connect your app to staging or a local backend or vice-versa to debug locally.


        GraphQL Support​

        GraphQL’s single-endpoint design can hinder targeted API modification. Requestly solves this with operation name filters, enabling precise response manipulation in GraphQL environments – just as you’d expect with REST APIs.

        Debug & Mock GraphQL APIs using Requestly

        Shared Team Workspaces

        All the mocks and request modification rules can be shared with team members using team workspaces. This helps in better collaboration among teams and faster delivery.

        How does it work?

        Requestly is easy to set up and use. First, we set up the Mobile Interception. Then, we can easily record traffic and mock & modify APIs locally by creating simple rules.

        Setup App Interception

        After you Download the Requestly Desktop App, setting up Requestly requires 3 easy steps to start intercepting your mobile app traffic.

        Configure WiFi Proxy

        Configure Wi-Fi Proxy

        Install Certificate

        Download & Install Certificate

        Ignore SSL Pinning

        Ignore SSL pinning

        Modify Traffic

        Modify API calls from the network requests table. 1 Click creation of Mock APIs, redirect network calls, modify headers, add delays to the requests, block requests, and much more.

        Record Traffic

        Mobile app traffic can be filtered and saved for bulk mocking, sharing with the team, or save it for referencing later. You can also create HTTP Rules to replicate those difficult edge cases.

        Bulk Mock Traffic

        Create mocks of all the recorded APIs from a session, it’s like creating a prod-like backend service with 1 click.

        Accelerate your Android Development for Free

        Speed up your Android Development and unlock the full potential of Requestly with our exclusive 6-month Accelerator Program, designed for high-growth startups and established companies.