Try Typeform on Any Website Under 30 Seconds

Try Typeform

Discovering new apps is easier than ever. There are almost infinite apps that could be used for a particular task. Product developers often need to find a way out to try and test these apps with bare minimum effort and then finalize an app they are comfortable with and want to integrate.

The traditional time and effort consuming way of doing this is by trial and error, where developers integrate a tool with the app via making alterations in the codebase and then testing things out. Now let me introduce you to a cool way of doing this. What if I say that you can try and test out different SAAS apps and tools without even modifying a single line of your codebase?

This is exactly what Requestly can help you out with!

Using Requestly, you can directly insert the custom script/installation code that you get for integration from the 3rd party app and test it on the website from the browser itself. Since no coding and development effort required, even product managers can use Requestly like a breeze. Users can collaborate with fellow developers and clients by easily sharing their rules.

Suppose you wish to integrate a sticky bar to announce annual offer on your website and are confused among some excellent options available for use. You can easily insert installation scripts for different tools in your website via Requestly and test them out.

See how this works!

Let’s see how this works with an example by embedding Typeform on any website

  1. Open Requestly app
  2. Create a new rule.
  3. Select Insert Scripts rule type to open the rule editor.
  4. Add the rule name, description and define the rule conditions.
  5. Insert the Script in the response body.
  6. Save this rule, and that’s it! You can now try out the SaaS app on the any website, ex.
Try Typeform on netflix


Here is the Link of Try Typeform on Netflix rule which you can direclty import in Requestly

Easy, right?

You can try out various SaaS apps including ConvertFlow, HubSpot, Beamer, Crisp, Drift and HotJar to name a few.
Learn more about other integrations here, and try out Requestly now!

Download Requestly for free here.

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Picture of Kanishk Rawat

Kanishk Rawat

Kanishk Rawat, a tech enthusiast since childhood, has mastered programming through dedication. Whether solo or in a team, he thrives on challenges, crafting innovative solutions .

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